Spanish Slang 101
So a funny things happened at breakfast this morning. I was sitting at a table with Craig (one of hte staff here), Aaron and Mark (two of my teammates) and about 5 of the guys at Casa Job for breakfast this morning. Breakfast today was Quaker (the soupy oatmeal that I'm becoming very fond of) and two rolls with stuff in them. One was a jelly sandwich and the other an egg sandwich.
One of the boys had asked me for my sandwich. Side note here: I'm learning that, while the youth do genuinely like me, when they ask me to sit by them at meals, it's because, I believe, they think that I won't eat all my food and then they can have the leftovers. That is usually true for lunch, but for breakfast, it's not such a good plan for them because I usually eat every bit.
Ok, back to my story. Since I have limited Spanish, I try to use what little I know as often as possible because I want to show them that I do want to talk and am making an effort. So, when that boy asked me for my sandwich, I said, in Spanish, "No, I like eggs." Well, immediatley they started to laugh in that way that junior high boys laugh when a teacher says something that could be taken the wrong way. That laughter always makes me a bit nervous, so I turn to Craig and ask him why the boys were laughing. In between his own laughter he explains that there is no way I could've known, but the word for "eggs" is a crude slang term for "balls" of the male variety, not for sports, if you catch my drift. So, they all found in quite amusing that I had just proclaimed, so the entire table, that I like balls. Hope you don't find that story offensive...we all had a good laugh about it, so at least somthing good came from a rather embarrasing moment. I also learned that in the future I will say that I like chicken eggs because, apparently being more specific like that takes care of the problem. What can I say, teenage boys will be teenage doesn't matter what county you're in.
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